Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blood clots are one of the major causes of heart problems.

It is the platelets in our blood that produce these clots. Inflammation in the blood vessels, which is often caused by high levels of cholesterol and the effects of smoking, make the normally smooth platelets to become ridged. It is this ridging that then makes them stick together forming clots. The technical term for this is Platelet Aggregation.

The ability of the blood platelets to form clots is however an essential function in our body as it prevents blood loss when we injure ourselves, healing over cuts for example. New research suggests that unless you are in the at risk sector or have a family history of heart and circulation problems then the benefits of taking substances that thin the blood may do you more harm than good. This is because the increased risk of internal bleeding is greater than the benefits of taking them.

The new tomato based treatment was discovered in Aberdeen, Scotland at the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health. Professor Asim Duttaroy, a research scientist at the Institute made this amazing discovery while he was searching for an effective plant based anti-clotting agent. He searched all the shops in Aberdeen for as many types of vegetables and fruit that he could find to run his experiments on.

His research led to the discovery of a chemical in tomatoes that has a broader but milder effect similar to that of aspirins. The actual chemical is in the jelly that surrounds the tomato seeds. This is extracted and concentrated into a syrup. This concentration is so strong that you could never eat enough tomatoes in a day to get the same effect. The body cannot absorb enough, quick enough from raw tomatoes for you to have any benefit.

Aspirin and this new treatment, which they have named Fruitflow, both work by having an effect on the platelets in the blood which affect the blood clotting. Aspirin blocks some of the signals which cause the platelets to become ridged and stick together. The affect of the Aspirin can last for up to 10 days. Research has shown that the effects of the new Fruitflow only last for 18 hours and are less aggressive and do not cause internal bleeding.

Doctors say that Fruitflow is unsuitable for people who are already having their blood clotting rates managed and measured and are taking anti-coagulants. This is because it will upset their readings and is difficult to monitor on a daily or weekly basis and will conflict with their medication. Fruitflow does however improve blood flow and circulation, this claim has been verified and approved by the European Food Safety Agency. It has been approved as an ingredient in food products including yogurt, margarine and juices.

Doctors and Nutritionists maintain that most people find making dramatic changes in their diet hard to do. This new additive allowed in foods could help people to improve their heart and blood circulation and maybe help prevent the Causes of Heart Attacks.

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