Sunday, March 21, 2010

Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

Hundreds of people worldwide suffer from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) every year as a result of taking long plane flights as well as traveling by bus, car, truck or train. DVT is caused by a blood clot forming in a deep vein, usually in the leg. The danger besides pain and swelling localized to the leg are clots, known as pulmonary embolism, that break loose and travel to the heart or lung. Development of a clot is increased due to reduced blood circulation at high altitudes and cramped airplane conditions for prolonged periods of time making exercise difficult. Normal movement of lower extremity muscles is important for smooth flow of blood returning from the legs. The medical term of "economy class syndrome" is used to describe the deep vein thrombosis which may follow air travel. Although it is a greater risk for prolonged travel it can occur with trips of as little as two hours even in travelers who are in good health.

It is estimated that 15% of adults suffer from some sort of venous disease. Vein disorders happen when when the valves that regulate blood flow weaken, allowing deoxygenated blood to flow backwards. This makes pressure build up in the bad veins, causing them to become slow and increasingly swollen and twisted.There are a number of factors that can increase your risk for developing a venous disease. They include genetic predisposition, pregnancy, obesity, standing for long amounts of time, and medication, among others. There is no way to completely cure valve malfunction in the veins, but if you know what type of disease you are dealing with, you may be able to reduce your symptoms.

Believe it or not, there is a natural ingredient from Europe that can help change the way your legs feel and the way you feel about the circulation in your legs. Whether we realize it or not, the circulation in our legs can have a huge influence on how we feel and what we do everyday and perhaps even more so every evening. The comfort level of our legs, or better said, their discomfort level at the end of the day can adversely affect our social life and fitness activities - not to mention adversely affecting our sleep. If our legs felt better perhaps we would find it easier to do the things we'd love to do, but find it so difficult to muster the motivation. As if the way our legs can feel at the end of day isn't challenging enough, the changes in the circulation in our legs as we age can seem even more hopeless and discouraging. Now add to that the seeming conspiracy among fashion designers to have us exposing even larger portions of our aging legs and we have a problem that over 80 million Americans with varicose veins understand all too well.


Veins take blood with low oxygen to the heart, whereas arteries take blood rich in oxygen away from the heart. But more often than not, an artery and a vein are misguided for each other. The reality is venous troubles and can end to further severe problems in human vascular structure. In the case of spider veins and varicose; at first glimpse, these hideous looks on your legs are nothing but beauty or skin troubles. But if entirely ignored, these troubles can show the way to the thickening, swelling and discoloration of the skin on human legs; or inferior, these venous disarrays can show the way to venous ulcers.If you are suffering from any type of sickness in your veins, it is an excellent gamble that you are having weary and aching legs for the majority of the time. And these leg pains look to get bad after a lengthened time of standing or sitting.

In ruthless cases, your venous troubles also create it tough for you to do even the easiest and simplest of work out.For the majority of part, venous troubles on human legs are taking about by too much stress and pressure on human leg veins. Aside from the duration of time, human mass and human stance have a straight bang on the quantity of force that human veins have to stand. While spider veins and varicose are symbols that you might be experiencing from a further devastating venous sickness.Veins carry low-oxygen blood to the heart, while arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. But more often than not, a vein and an artery are mistaken for each other. For this reason, problems in both components of the vascular system are thought of as one and the same. In effect, treatments have often focused on problems in the arteries, while vein diseases have been reduced to nothing more than cosmetic troubles.


Internal hemorrhoids may not be visible, but they can cause troublesome symptoms. An inflamed hemorrhoid located above the anal opening is considered an internal hemorrhoid. Some alternative medicines contain herbs proven to work on not only easing internal hemorrhoid symptoms, but restoring tissues to their normal position and function. The herbs witch hazel, psyllium, and horse chestnut are particularly useful in helping internal hemorrhoids heal.The first sign of internal hemorrhoids is usually rectal bleeding during or after a bowel movement. Typically, the bleeding is minor and goes away in a few days. But an internal hemorrhoid signals a problem that could get worse if not treated.

For the squeamish, an internal hemorrhoid can be difficult to treat. You can use a hemorrhoid suppository to relieve symptoms and protect the area while it heals. For hygiene, you might use a rubber finger cot or clean Q-tip to help you insert it. Some hemorrhoid ointments come with their own applicators so you can apply directly to the internal hemorrhoid.Other plant products that have been shown in lab studies to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms on contact include arnica, sage, and butcher's broom. These are typically found in topical (cream) preparations. It's safest to use the commercially processed forms found in hemorrhoid medicine, as raw plants may be toxic.

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