Sunday, March 21, 2010

Venous problems .

Veins carry low-oxygen blood to the heart, while arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. But more often than not, a vein and an artery are mistaken for each other. For this reason, problems in both components of the vascular system are thought of as one and the same. In effect, treatments have often focused on problems in the arteries, while vein diseases have been reduced to nothing more than cosmetic troubles.

The truth is venous problems can point to more serious troubles in your vascular system. Take the case of varicose and spider veins; at first glance, these unsightly appearances on your legs are nothing but skin or beauty problems. But if totally neglected, these problems can lead to the discoloration, swelling and thickening of the skin on your legs; or worse, these venous disorders can lead to leg ulcers.

If you are experiencing any form of disease in your veins, it is a good bet that you are having aching and weary legs for most of the time. And these leg pains seem to get worse after a prolonged time of sitting or standing. In severe cases, your venous problems also make it hard for you to do even the simplest exercises.

For the most part, venous problems on your legs are brought about by too much pressure and stress on your leg veins. Aside from the passage of time, your weight and your posture have a direct impact on the amount of pressure that your veins have to bear. While varicose and spider veins are signs that you may be suffering from a more debilitating venous disease, it is important to note that these appearances on your legs are, indeed, not dangerous by themselves. But you would not like to take chances with your life, would you?

Take a look at varicose veins. Large varicose veins start to become a problem that can be considered more than just cosmetic if the affected veins make the movement of blood proceed at less than the required speed. If this happens, blood clotting in the affected veins may occur on a regular basis and may lead to a problem known as phlebitis or severe inflammation of veins. If phlebitis expands to deeper, hard-to-reach veins, what may have started as a beauty problem can now threaten your life and may need treatment that is more than just lotions and creams.

Another thing about varicose veins is the role they play in causing leg ulcers. While this condition may be caused by other types of disorders in your circulatory system, your failure to properly attend to your varicose veins is a major factor that brings about leg ulcers. Venous ulcers or leg ulcers usually occur on the lower parts of your legs, particularly the ankle area.

It is very important that you see your doctor if you think that you have leg ulcers. The symptoms may include the swelling of any part of your legs, discoloration or reddening of one or several skin areas on your legs, and having breaks on your skin which have not resulted from ordinary injuries. Another telltale sign that you may be susceptible to leg ulcers is having a tight and shinny skin situated near your ankles.

You do not have to be threatened and suffer so much with your varicose veins or their smaller counterparts, the spider veins. There are a number of advanced treatment methods that can help you reduce or eliminate problematic leg veins. Sclerotherapy and laser treatment are but two of the most popular methods of dealing with venous problems on your legs.

For your spider veins, there are products that can help you stop them from becoming a health risk. Try products like Veinuderm and bring back not just the beauty, but the health of your legs as well. Visit for more details.

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